Thursday, May 05, 2011

One Month

Tomorrow, Westly turns one month old. Time has zoomed by, and in someways it has stood still. But with either feeling, things have certainly changed in the Shaw Manor.

Here are 10 changes I've noticed:

1. I come home and give a kiss to not one, but two doodles.

2. I have a better memory than my wife now (though I doubt this will last long).

3. I rarely sleep longer than 4 hours without being woken up (I use to get 8 to 9 hours people).

4. When I sneeze, cough or feel overly tired, I worry about passing on my germs.

5. There is a lot of stuff in our house.

6. I take photos and videos like a crazy man on summer vacation.

7. On the weekends, I weigh the merits of getting dressed and going downstairs versus staying in bed and wearing my robe all day.

8. I looked up recipes this week.

9. I count rest time in minutes, not hours.

10. My mult-tasking skills have exponentially improved.

Alas, as the weeks go by I'm sure I'll see more changes. They are all welcomed because we couldn't be happier. Simply, couldn't be happier... Ahh...


Anonymous said...

If you do give in and stay in your robe all day everyone will think you take after me. Remember Daphne on Frasier she seemed to do that often. I agree it is better to get on with things and get dressed first.
Mum (tired)

Anonymous said...

You're the best! Dad

Anonymous said...

What kind of robe are you wearing Hugh Hefner?

Fauf said...

Many things have changed but one thing has stayed the same: I am still very much in love with you!