Friday, October 28, 2011

Sweetly Rejected

I have started into the publishing process of Nedge, and I have to say... Rejection can be so sweet. I always talk to my English students about the hardships of trying to get published: Form letters, unopened manuscripts, rejections, the list goes on...

But last night I got another great rejection letter. I call it great because the letter I opened last night was kind and thoughtful. I am amazed that a publishing house sent me a personalized letter that actually hints they read my book.

I'm sure I'll receive countless other rejections--most of them will be form letters--but today I will sigh a sigh of happiness and say, "Rejection can be sweet."

Here's the letter she sent to me. I blocked out her name to keep her privacy. Click on the image to see it in full view.

Note, I sent the letter to her on the 17th of October! Now that's fast turnaround... Here's to Nedge.


Susie (Shaw) Fitler said...

michael that is a great, great rejection letter. rather i see it as an invitation letter. they want more and see potential in you. how wonderful!

i think you should start scouting agents. i have a friend who is working with one. let's talk this wknd.

proud of you brother.

Anonymous said...

Well, that is exactly an answer to my prayer for their response to your book. Even J.K. Rowling did not get her book published by the first company she sent it to.

Take Susie up on her offer!


Anonymous said...

I agree. Your Nedge book is exciting and worthy of publication... Keep at it. Love, Dad