Wednesday, January 25, 2012

2012 Update...

Well... I have been enjoying my blog for the past month but I thought I'd take today to update you on my life.

(But based on my blog statistics from the past couple of months, it seems my pictures are more popular than anything--1,500 loads per month is saying something... whoever you are...)

At this point I am still working as a high school teacher (by day) and attempting to be a father, husband, college instructor, choir director and writer (by night). In addition to these ventures, I have also taken up a task to write a curriculum for a documentary (which is really a great film). Also on top of all this, I have been working to get my school WASC accredited and am currently working to write a chapter of the report with a small group of teachers.

But I have no complaints. I love all of the things I am doing and feel I am using my skills to help others and support the community.

With all this said, I have neglected to discuss my goals for 2012... SO here they are:

1. Read my Bible in chronological order
(I've always wanted to do this. I got a plan and have made it through Job and Genesis this month. It is interesting to think of it all happening in the proper order. At least to me.)

2. Get published
(Yup, I know I have very little control over the actual publication, but I really am working for it. I posted a little card at my desk at work that says "I will be published in 2012!" Not as a name-it-and-claim it thing, nor as a positive-thinking thing, more as a I will see this and remind myself that all authors have to work to get published. I am willing to put in the work. I may end up publishing something unexpected, but hey at least will get published... And no, this blog doesn't count.)

3. Plan a great trip.
(I realize we may not have the means nor the ability to go on a great trip, but we sure can plan one. I hope to go to Europe, Canada, or the East Coast. Any of the three sound good to me. My guess is summer will be the time to plan this trip, but I know I need to set it as a goal so I actually do it!)

There it is. Three goals. Three hopes. Three dreams. We'll see what will come of them.


Anonymous said...

Three very good ones. Go for all of them! Dad

Anonymous said...

Have a great year!