Saturday, January 29, 2005

I went to see the doctor of philosophy

With a poster of...

Well this week has been a big whirl wind of stuff.

I had a long week of new things and many firsts:

School started this week and the kids remind me every day how important life is. They are too funny and too crazy.

I opened a new pack of socks for the first time this week. So all week long I've been showing off my Champion Socks. I must admit I looked good in them, they are the low ankle kind. Maybe I am a bit like Winky but my socks weren't the best, rather they just were a new part of me and my collection.

Susie came home right on time and I had the first dessert for her. It was perfect timing.

I celebrated my dad's birthday at IHOP for the first time.

I put the last Christmas decorations from the TV room away (This is a first because normally I do this in March).

Overall this week was like riding on Space Mountain for the first time. Parts were exciting and then all of a sudden all those funny red blinking lights were gone and you'd be in the dark taking a sharp turn. Whooosh! ZOooOm!

Yup. That sums it up.

VH1 you can take me off of the list.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Which reminds me... space mountain is opening back up this year, I heard it's even better than before!!! :o)