Friday, February 04, 2005

The Best Week Ever?

VH1... Maybe I should be considered again...

My, my. This week proved to be a different series of events. While last week was a series of unfortunate events, this week proved to be a week of madness. Now, madness normally means that someone or something is feeling angry or perhaps it could mean a hectic feeling has come over a situation. However in this situation madness means that things were busy yet in some ways exciting.

The week started out with me singing in church. It’s interesting seeing other sides to the church, literally and figuratively. Jim wasn’t there on Sunday, so half of the group headed out to a place we call Orcutt and enjoyed some fine dining.
Tasty? I think so.

After that day, I was happy to spend time with Mr. Smokey the Bear and watch a movie. Entertaining? I think so.

Tuesday I worked and then watched Idol with the Chinese Woman. She kept getting strange calls on her phone. Once it was a silent call, I think it was a mime calling.
Hilarious? I think so.

The next day rolled around and I was happy to find that I had another night out and watched yet another movie with a new friend. I had a good time and I even ate popcorn.
Adventure? I think so.

The following day was the day before the day before tomorrow. I spent the day at work and the night singing… This was very fulfilling to me. My spirit needed that moment of expression.
Enjoyable? I think so.

The day before tomorrow is being spent sick and off of work. Fever and cough were brought on due to exposure and a lowered immune system. I guess I must be under some kind of stress or something. Go figure. Tonight I have Stats class and my body (or is it my brain) is telling me not to go. We’ll see what comes of that
Excited? I think not.

This next week I head out for my pilgrimage to Mecca. I just got a phone call confirming that I am taking the Lewis to my Clark with me. Well that’s what I hear now. If not I suppose I can be like some person who explored on his own… Umm… Who would that be? Oh well. I’ll just forget about this blog and enjoy my first sick day from my job.
Stoked? I think so.


Anonymous said...

Daniel Boone, Dr. Livingston, that russian guy who was the first man in space, you would be those guys if you went to Mecca alone. but alas, Lewis is available.

Jen said...

dude- what about the weiners?!!