Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I use to dream that I would meet a prince(ss)...

But God Almighty! Have you seen what's happened since(ss)?

Call me a camel not a taxi, cause today is hump day. The week is going... beautiful. Michael, that is.... Beautiful.

Sunday was an awesome day of jammin. I hurt my knee at that dance, but hey at least I got to have a slow dance with three ladies. (I can mark that off of my list of things to do before I turn 30) But I am in much appreciation and gratitude to Alyssa and Nikki for setting up the event. Note to Alyssa-- I'd like to have that pic posted on my blog.

Monday was a long... long... day. It was fun cause Tanya worked all day. It is funny when my two worlds meet on Mondays. But she's fun to have with the kidos and it gives me time to relax a bit. "What's the point."

Tuesday was spent avoiding the night, but alas the clock moved along and night found me. I decided to face the devil in the eyes and did what I needed to do. But hey... Maybe I'll get 5 bucks for it. If I do whoo hoo that means I have cajones.

Today I did my alone time. Its exciting and new. Well I went to the OG and had lunch. I read a magazine and talked with Rose for a bit. She wants me to go dancing with her friends tonight. We'll see if I have energy to do that. The rest of the day I tried to call Andrew. No luck. But if you heard the rumors... They are true. I sounded like Ernie from Burt and Ernie today. I kept saying "Uhhhh hey Burt (well I said Cory but you get the idea)."

The future? What's in the future? I should be going to the movies tonight. We'll see if that works out.

shaw out

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh Michaels..