Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Name Change

I know what you're thinking. I'm going to talk about Farah and her changing her name... Well... No. You're wrong.

I've decided to change the name of the awards show to the Iggy Awards. So there it is. Deal with it.

Also just for my records on June 18, 2007, I got a good phone call about my life. More to come of that for the blogging community later.


Anonymous said...

A rose is a rose by any other why not ?
Our votes ALL go to YOU first, then to your future
bride, and finally any residual awards to Partyman- Parolman
Parker and Laughing Loux who deserve much applause and thanks all around for their outstanding
performances this past year as hall of fame roommates to Shaw and Drazin...LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL!!!

Anonymous said...

I am gonna talk about farah's changing her name. Kind of a big deal. She better start practicing her signature now, and better start saying goodbye to the Drazin name forever. Hooray for being a Shaw.