Saturday, June 26, 2004

Callin' out around the world...

So, last night was a very exciting adventure. I come out to my car to find it had been tampered with! But in a good way. I then proceeded to follow the trail that the criminal left and I found my way to the Giorgi's house. There were people hiding in the trees and bushes and everyone was on edge. COME ON! That's crazy! They all thought that someone was going to attack them. What weirdos!

Anyway Carrie and I took off to drop off her car so she wouldn't have to drive and then we came back to some psycho things. I gave everyone an ultimatum... Come up with an activity in 5 or I drive. So in the end we all started dancing in the garage! These people are funny!

No one wanted to dance though... So we took a note from Tim McGraw and danced in the dark. Then Britney came back on and we dismissed Jason from the room. I danced like the dork I am and everyone slowly left until I was the only one dancing in the room.

A few buckets of sweat later I decided with the help of a little African Bird that it was time to go. So we took off and called it a night? Yeah that sounds good.

So the moral of the story is that Summer here and the time is right for dancing like a greek.


1 comment:

Jen said...

Hot fun in the summer time.