Wednesday, June 30, 2004

And all you fellas leave your girls with a friend cause its 11:30 and the club is...

...Jumpin' jumpin.

Yesterday was an excellent--and long--day. I woke up to the sound of an alarm clock which I told off, and it became quiet. Yet, moments later it spoke up again so I listened to it and jumped out of bed. This time I didn't jump in the air, but I did jump in the shower.

After that I jumped in my car, and then jumped on over to Nipomo where I helped Kevin complete his floor. After jumping on that project we jumped over to Carl's Junior and jumped into some conversation. Kevin had to jump back to the house so I decided I would jump over to Celebration and begin restocking my collection.

So the night wore on... Junior High was odd, somebody jumped all the Junior Highers cause no one was there. So I jumped over to the donut shop where I was clever like Spiderman so no one could see me! Right Carrie? And then I was pushed--I didn't jump--into singing on Sunday. So I fell into that.

Soon after the doors of salvation opened and Peter--I mean Mike Parker came in and we jumped in his parker-mobile and we jumped in line for Spidey. Then we jumped around in the movie theater and he said if the Fanta song came on he'd jump up and dance--well I would have to pay him $2. Nevertheless, the movie was jumping. A guy passed out or something and was jumped out of the theater and then I came home and jumped into bed.

your friendly neighborhood spiderman

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