Friday, August 04, 2006

Ahhh My Life!

I'm Back. And I have internet in my apartment! Hooray for my body containing the necessary ingredients to concoct an internet connection. I'm just blessed I guess. Or so Farah says..

Well, it has been sometime since I last updated this blog, and for that I apologize. You see a lot of amazing things have been happening here and so... Yeah, I couldn't possibly write blogs during these times!

Here is a photo summary of some amazing times:

Farah Moved Here

Crystal TOTALLY Got Married

The Burrow Celebrated Harry

And Michael Did All Of His Laundry

Yes. And Michaels Moved In To The Black Pearl Hilltop


Jen said...

Wow. Thar be a lot of laundry in yer house!

Anonymous said...

It's quite wonderful to see pictures and know that i've participated in those great events in your life. (All except for the suject of which we do not speak). Thank you for welcoming me into your life, Michael!