Sunday, December 14, 2008

I like it... I don't like it...

Praise God for Panera Bread and the free WiFi...

Things I like about this month:

My class has come a long way, and have done a great job being cute and less annoying.
The cottage is magical and has the spirit of Christmas looming inside of it.
The weather is changing, and with a lot of prayer (and proper temperature regulation), it will snow this year.
The movies we get to watch this month are simply nostalgic and delight the heart.
Cookies abound, especially those sugar/shortbread ones that have green frostings on top.
Parker is going to dress up as a Harry Potter Character for the Yule Ball.
Ahh... The 4th or is it 3rd Annual Yule Ball!

Things I don't like about this month:
The gnome is being forced to join the loud worship team (against his will I might add).
We are halfway through the month and still don't have a date to move into our new house.
We have neighbors who don't give us their passwords to use the internet.
December doesn't have a capital O in it. I love October.
People in Panera Bread are having and I quote, "Dreams about Parker."


Anonymous said...

We're dreaming of a white Christmas too and, if not, a winterish one with a little rain... Let the magic begin!

Anonymous said...

there was no forcing the gnome to join the worship team. He did that all on his own. in fact, he might be even be making a few more appearances since he loves it so much. . I guess we will have to wait and see ;0)

Anonymous said...

who's having dreams about parker? i want to know...

Anonymous said...

Gnomes, Parker, Panera Bread... Where will it all end? Or is it all just an everlasting dream?

Anonymous said...

Things I like: Hannukah gifts under the tree.
Things I don't like: waiting to open them


Susie (Shaw) Fitler said...

Thank Goodness your was getting old seeing the same blog! things i like: my sister in law and bro meeting my future hubby

things i don't like: my sister in law and brother meeting my future hubby without me!