Sunday, June 14, 2009

Easy Like a Sunday Morning

I never understood Mr. Wonder's words when he sang this phrase. But today I get it. I woke up at about 8:00 and realized I didn't have to get out of bed for about 30-45 minutes. I've never, NEVER in my life had the ability to sleep in on a Sunday Morning. I must say I find it very enjoyable.

This week I plan on being quite productive with my time. I mean, just because I am on va-ca doesn't mean I am just going to sit around and do nothing... I mean, its me we're talking about people. So here is my to do list:

10. Submit more papers to my professor at Chapman. For those of you who have been following this saga please rest assured that I have submitted my paper, now she wants more.

9. Meet with next year's ASB to tell them their jobs and have them help me clean out some boxes.

8. Find someone willing to take on the Beast, otherwise known as our front lawn.

7. Hang Farah's giant picture in the Dining Room

6. Clean out my car. I don't even want to tell you what is in it.

5. Help Farah with her special project she needs to submit online. More to come on this one at another time...

4. Watch Episodes 5 and 6 of Star Wars. I mean, I can't remember the difference between Hoth and Jaba.

3. Resume my work outs with Bob. He is really mad at me for dropping the ball on this for about 2 weeks.

2. Meet with Hancock Staff to talk about my teaching job next year (part-time teaching).

1. Buy new shoes and jeans. For those of you who may not know this about me I hate buying jeans and I rarely look forward to buying shoes. But I will do it!

There it is the Week of Ig. Enjoy yours. (maybe I'll add some pictures to this ridiculous blog)


Anonymous said...

Big plans. Good plans.

Anonymous said...

Indeed you need to see Star Wars 5 and 6 and you'll find that Hoth is a place and Jabba is a creature--not a good comparison.

A Star Wars geek

Anonymous said...

Chewy says"AHHHHHHHHH!"