Saturday, November 28, 2009


Wow. I am always amazed when I reach a new level of blog-dom. At any rate I thought I would share with you some ideas I have for my new, daily blogging posts:

1. Michael's Attempts Toward Fitness, a daily insight into the rise and fall of the Ig. (Note- many days this blog would be exceptionally boring, not to mention empty.)

2. Michael's Creative Musings, a blog filled with idea of things I do in and out of the workplace to utilize my creativity. (This blog would kind of be a bragging post of sorts.)

3. Michael's Food Adventures, a blog dedicated to Michael trying 157 new foods, that's one every other day. and absolutely horrifying to me. (Some of the foods would be things as simple as radishes, something my lips have yet to taste, or as involved as halibut, something my nose has prevented me from even getting near.)

4. Michael's Doodle Loops, a blog where I would record a daily doodle. Documenting a year of doodles would be a lot of fun, and exceptionally fun to look back on. The only trouble would be finding the quickest way to pull up the pictures daily.

5. Michael's Commentary on the News, a weekday only blog where I would give you my slant on the news. Not too interesting for you, but perhaps interesting to write.

6. The Unknown... I have more ideas brewing, but I will have to wait to see what comes of this blogging world...

Nothing is final, and nothing is really in sight as of yet. Here's to the future...

"Keep moving forward."


Anonymous said...

I'm in favor of the fitness one because I feel like that would be the only one that would be a genuine challenge, and thus merit the use of a blog for it


Susie (Shaw) Fitler said...

I vote a news commentary involving entertainment news as well (o;

Anonymous said...

lisa and ky vote the doodles and the food.

Kim said...

I vote the for the 157 new foods! you can get really creative with that one (as far as creative foods and creative blog posts)

Susie (Shaw) Fitler said...

I also vote for the food as the more variety in this area the more chance of healthy eating. And try radishes. I really like them but only one or two at a time.