Sunday, May 08, 2005

Domingo, domingo, domingo

Yes today is that pretend day of rest for me. It was a wonderful mother's day with out much mom, though. Sad enough I had too many plans, but I did promise to take mom out for a lunch on the town.

I woke up and started in on Kingdom Kids stuff. They were very sweet and sang in the first and second services at church. I heart them very much. Then I snuck out of church and ate lunch with my mom and dad before I had to run out again. I met up with Andrew, Jon and Kevin and we drove on the very very very slow 101 to Cal Poly. It took a whole hour to get there! We went to the Cal Poly v. Fulerton game that Andrew won tickets to via ESPN radio. Shout out to Andrew for the Trivial knowledge of a champ...

We watched the game and unknowingly Andrew and I were sunburnt. I got home and went to Michael's to buy some art canvas and then headed to church to set up for Kingdom Kids again. We did an art night which in my opinion was the best night of the year. It was very spiritual in my estimation.

Then my night went on and on and on. We had a drop in at Jim and Jenn's home... Which was ...
a) fun
b) long
c) boring

Take your pick. It was one of those. I was happy to talk to Morgan on the phone. I had a golden time doing that. And I learned that I could hear chords from songs.... whoo hoo.

I am overly introspective tonight so I will refrain from any personal comments on my psychological condition. But nevertheless, I am excited to go back to work this week and see the littler buggers. I do miss them. I'd rather stay away from the politics of the staff.. But that's part of life.


1 comment:

Jen said...

I hope it was a). I hope you get some rest Michael, it sounds like you need some. You can always come up to Sac and hang for a bit. :O)I heart you.