Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Just around the river bend...

So I have been taking a turn here for the better I think. I just got a check from my work for 430 big ones to go out and get a new camera for the work place... cough cough... it is awesome to get back what was taken from you.

I finished most of my paper for my Communication class which is just funny. My teacher worked for Tony Robins. Come on anyone who has seen Shallow Hal knows why I think that is just too much to deal with.

I am getting all of my things together to go in my little room. Which I'm very excited about.

Harry Potter previews get me all excited for the new book... Thought of the day is that they should make previews for books.

Star Wars is in 24 hours exactly. I'm stoked about that. Austen says he's meeting us there so that's good beans.

And finally I'm amazing.

The end.


Jen said...

"True that Michael" (In you know who's voice) :o)

Ashley said...

I had a funny dream...hahahhahahaha dont you wish you knew what it was about!!!