Friday, October 14, 2005


I must say I had a rather good evening.

First I got off work in a very excitable mood. I was happy cause I just finished a 20 minute pillow fight with three kids, Valerie, Tanya, Eboney, and Cory. It was SO fun. I felt the need to be crazy so I started a pillow fight in the middle of my classroom. Good times.

After that I got a call from Kaleb, and I went over to see his creation. Pretty amazing thus far. And once the tower of terror is erected it will be magnificent. After talking with some Ways, Kaleb and I headed out to AG where we were disappointed not to find a bookstore, but content that Starbucks existed. We sat down and hashed out some theology... That Kaleb is kind of amazing. I really like him, nice guy.

After a drink and a krispy square I dumped him off and then went to cheer on Alyssa. She did a great job playing Volleyball for AHC... And Tani, Crystal, and the Giorgi/Flamm group was there. It was fun and amusing. THEN ... CRYSTAL locked her keys in the car! And then "Jason" ("a nice name for a nice guy") broke her window open... The night was officially humorous.

So Tani, Alyssa, and myself went to Applebee's where we felt OK in the neighborhood. It was a good night... and tomorrow I project a scattered shower of laughter with an overall day of joy. Life rocks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOu know what makes me sad? That i missed all of this. Woest me. i mean sure, we chilled in New York for a week, but i mean c'mon! i gotta get back to my santa maria party animal persona. Time was, there wasnt a party without parker. Oh well. At least now, thanks to "Rod", i have a way to download free music from the today's top artists.