Saturday, October 15, 2005

Reunion Saturday

Ok... SO I had a reunion today. Yes, it was kind of amazing.

I woke up SO late. 10:30ish. It's great. It is one of my favorite pass times: Sleep.

Anyway I was collected by Jeremy and Kristi and off we drove to Pismo. We arrived to a police greeting, and a much more pleasant greeting by Christina Stanton. That was lovely. Suddenly I saw something.. A flash of white--AUSTEN HOUGH. Walking right by. So we all gathered together and ate some food on the side of the road. We enjoyed the tastes of trip tip and SubWay.

So... Then after we decided it was a Starbucks moment so we went to SLO and had some Bucks... Then a little Barnes and Knoble.. And then some walking about the town.

After, that we met up with the lovely couple Katy and Eric Carnohan-Willis (I think that's the name) who were just newly married, and had some good eats (I had rice cakes which tickled my taste buds). Then we headed back to SM and I got to read through my photo book which I must say was AMAZING. (Yes, I use that word a lot, but it is truly up there)

I saw the Loux and the Houghs and life was good... Now I rest and enjoy writing my story... Life is good. :-)

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