Monday, November 06, 2006

Goal for the Americano.

Well here I go again. I'm all about goal making... I think short term goals are the best because pretty much you can actually meet those goals. Unlike those long New Year's Reso's. So here are my goals for the month of November:

To enjoy life in the 5th Grade.
To read a new book every weekend.
To clean the bathroom.
To make cookies (even if I just bake the dough).
To finish organizing my file cabinet.
To buy 3 Christmas gifts.
And to eat corn on the cob.

I will do my best to document these goals being met, and then come December 1st I will see if I met my goals. If I meet all of the goals I am taking myself out for yogurt... If not I'll buy Parker a yogurt.


Anonymous said...

So i was originally going to help you achieve these goals, until i read the last line, at which point i decided to thwart your goals as much as possible. I mean, heck, yogurt? THATS AMAZING. So plan to be thwarted.

Anonymous said...

you should go to avila barns...they have the best corn on the cob!! like ever...seriously.


Anonymous said...

Since there's nothing in it for me either way, I'll just leave you to your goals. (I would help Parker if the prize were something non-dairy--AHH my life!) :)