Monday, November 13, 2006

The List

Here it is by popular demand: My list. The grand Christmas list, so if one would be interested one would need only to look at the list:

Starbucks Giftcards
Blenderz Giftcards
Disneyland Pass (mine expires in March)
Barnes and Nobel Giftcards
Sweaters from Target
Old Spice Deodorant: Mountain Rush
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Subscription to Ranger Rick
Printer Paper
White Socks
Medium Undershirts (plain white)
I Love Lucy Season 2-Whatever (I have season 1)
A plant/orchid for the house

Perhaps I'll add more things soon, but that's a start for one who may be looking.


Jen said...

I got dibs on the printer paper! Haha, maybe I'll give you a mantle rearrangement coupon.

JazMarie said...

what if i give you empty printer cartridges, can you turn them in for paper?

Anonymous said...

my eye is on the deodorant. ive got a GREAT idea!!! =)
