Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Lost and Found

Can you believe it? I found that special someone.

I can't believe it actually happened to me. I have this feeling of great joy in my heart. I know you all are probably pretty of tired of me talking about this topic... it is one of Jon and Morgan's favorite topics though. But I want you to hear it and let it resonate in your souls. I found the person I've been looking for. It's kind of amazing. Sometimes that person comes from the place you grew up, other times you look elsewhere. Well my person came from Redlands and it took me years to realize who that person was. And by that person I mean Luke Jacobs. That's right, I found that special someone who hates beans as much as I do. Yes, I am a bugger. But come on we had a good five minute discussion today about beans, and all the different types that we hate. Ranging from texture to the look, we hate them: Totally and Completely. I gotta say I love him.

Life is amazing. Finding that person who shares in the same feelings you have. Wow. What a day I've had and it's only noon. What's next? Wow. Who knows?

Just say no.


Anonymous said...


Ashley said...

oh my gosh..lol, I was thinking "oh how sweet of Micheal to write about Farah"..nope..haha..your funny..Dont worry, we all know that Farah is really that special person...The question is, Does she like beans?