Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The McRibb

That's right. Shes'a back. And shes'a better than ever. My blog baby.

Well, it has been sometime since I updated this thing and I do apologize. The main reason is I have been trying to catch up on all of my paper work for school and work. I had finals which consumed a lot of time, and my assessments were due on the kids at work this week. So a lot of finish it up and clean it up work was spent doing it all.

As for my life:

Farah. Ahh. A breath of fresh air. With a name ending in "ah" you know it's a good thing. A sigh of relief. Ladies and Gentlemen, dare I post such a thing... But she may have a job here! It is 95% sure, and yes... that means... SHE'S MOVING HERE! Lovely? Indeed.

Work. Kuh. A breath of stale air. With a name ending in "kuh" you know it's a bad thing. A cough of disgust. I'm not talking about the kid-o's, cause they are always great, even on their worst days, it's just the mundane, monotony of doing paper work and dealing with everyone's issues. Yuck. I'm over it.

Church. Chhhh. A breath of smokey air. With a name ending in "Chh" you know it's a moving thing. A train chugging a long. I'm pretty content with it all, things keep chugging a long, and yeah life works pretty well for me there. I'm in with it.

Parker. Errr. A breath of oddness. With a name ending in "Err" you know it's just silly and err--questionable. A friend writing funny poems. I'm cracking up over this guy, these notes are simply classic. I'm down homes.

Mario. Oooo. A breath of... well something. With a name ending in "Ooo" you know it's shocking. A game that has me almost to the last battle ship? Life is good.

And that's me in a few sound bytes.


Anonymous said...

And like the McRibb, you are as Juicy and tender as ever Michael Shaw. Lovely blog, a million cheers for the return of blog!
"Remember Remember the 28th of March..."

Anonymous said...

What a creative blog! I'm going to be paying close attention to the end sounds of words and the feelings they evoke. Shaw. Awww. With a name ending in awww, you know it'a adorable!

Jen said...

McRibb is back?!!!!! OH man, sorry I didn't go salza dancing. We need to hang out dude, I've just been an old lady lately.