Sunday, July 09, 2006

Now and Then

It's true. My blog turned 400 yesterday. 400 BLOGS! That's a butt load of blogging baby!

I forgot to send it a shout out... But hey...

Let's see what has changed since I first started blogging... a little reflection of the past 400 blogs (mainly just focusing on the first and the last)...

THEN... I was playing Mario on NES.... NOW... I play Mario on my Gameboy

THEN... I was planning a memory seminar with my sister Katie... NOW... I will be attending a memory seminar on keeping a schedule...

THEN... I was helping Kevin B move his stuff and lay a floor... NOW... I am helping myself move stuff around and find something to cover up the white carpeted floor...

THEN... I was just meeting Parker... NOW... I am best friends with Parker...

THEN... I called him Mike... NOW... I call him Parker...

THEN... I ate a bowl of Froot Loops... NOW... I sit here with an Apple iBook...

THEN... I ended blogs with the word "peace"... NOW... I end the blog with the words "Shaw, out."


Anonymous said...

THEN you had no clue what a Fauf was...NOW you are dating one

Jen said...

THEN the writing room was just a dream... NOW it's a legend.

Ashley said...

400 blogs!!! wow..i think i have like...36? im gonna beat you..just watch