Monday, January 28, 2008

When the dog bites, when the bee stings...

Well I am thinking perhaps sharing all of my favorite things has left some of you, who though you have no real reason to be but you are, sad. So I decided to share the dark side of Michael Shaw and let you know some of the things that make me feel bad.

In other words it is time for: Michael's Least Favorite Things


I think they are stupid and annoying and I think the world would be a happier place without them. What person wants to eat these things?


I am sick of seeing it everywhere in Orcutt. It should stop soon or I'm going to move--Oh wait I live in Santa Maria where there is no graffiti. Who is responsible for these kids?

Britney Spears.
Honestly people, will you sign my petition to boycott all things Britney? Let's give this girl the chance of a life again by turning off the TV when they talk about her and not visiting web pages associated with her or her knocked up sister (with this one post being the exception).

Quantum Physics.

It is the weirdest and silliest thing I have ever studied in my life. What goober created this stuff? This woman featured is either: a) A total looney b) A huge Con-Artist c) Under demonic oppression or d) All of the above. She believes she is the channel for Ramtha, this spirit thing... And because of this movie I saw she is NOW one of the 6 poster children for QPs. Don't even ask... I had to watch a video about her and her-like-minded quantum physicists for three hours once.

Small Bathtubs.

Honestly why even install a tub if it is going to be too small for a regular sized human to lay in. Who made these things?


What is this stuff? I don't even understand how it is made, nor do I understand why it has such a fowl odor. That is some rank bottle of yellow.

Public Restroom Toilet Paper.

Listen I know it isn't going to be 2-ply, but come on, at least it could come off in sheets, not little squares. What is this about?

There is just a taste into some of the things I thought about today. I hope you didn't enjoy this in the slightest.


Anonymous said...

1-Graffiti is an art form. You of all people should respect that.
2-Your wife wears Britney Spears perfume.
3-Beans are necessary for your health, you need to eat them.
4-Your comment on Morgan's blog about the Land Before Time movies was ridiculously hilarious.
5-You crack me up.

Anonymous said...

And p.s, mustard is a great addition to many sandwiches and is also tasty on corn dogs.

Morgan Jane said...

I, Morgan, hereby sign your blog as a public show that I will not bother Britney Spears. I will allow her to attempt to live her life in a normal way.

Moving on, I agree with the beans, bathtub, toilet paper, and that nasty yellow mustard. Deli mustard however, that stuffs grub. Just so you know.

Ashley said...

beans...dumb..graffiti...dumb...b spears...lost...but mustard? dont knock the mustard.

I forgive you though.
ps. thanks for the blog message. It made me happy.

Anonymous said...

Let's add morning recess duty the list!