Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Movies You Should be Watching

I know everyone has their own little traditions when it comes to Christmas Movies, however, since you logged on and are reading my blog I believe I have rights to dictate what you watch and don't watch. Sure I could tell you to watch "Miracle on 34 Street" "It's a Wonderful Life" or some others, but I am going to tell you the five movies I never miss during the month of December.

5. The Grinch
Not that horrible Jim Carrey version, no way. I'm talking the Boris Karloff narrating,Thurl Ravenscroft singing, Chuck Jones drawn, Theo Gisel-ed up Christmas version. An instant and important classic to have during the season.

4. Frosty the Snowman
Stay away from the weird Frosty Returns junk and pop in a DVD (or even a VHS) of the original Frosty the Snowman, narrated by the great Jimmy Durante (the same one Lucy Ricardo fawns after). If anything, just watch until the moment the kid says, "Oatmeal." It is worth your time.

3. A Christmas Story
I suggest watching this one with the family when it is on ABC-Family's 25 Days of Christmas--normally it is on all Christmas Eve. Or you can watch it while the younger kids are in bed, on DVD. The TV version is a little cleaner and makes for a good night of Holiday Wackiness. Be sure to suffer through the intro and get to the good stuff--Santa pushing the little kids down the slide, the soap poisoning scene, and the infamous tongue to the flag pole incident.

2. Last Holiday
When I saw it in the theaters, I didn't expect much--but honestly this one is a fantastic tale of last moments during the Christmas Season and New Year. I love the food in it, and if you're like me you'll want to go out to a fancy restaurant after watching. Ah. It is just delightful--and yes I tend to get a little onion eyed during the show.

1. Home Alone 1 & 2 (don't even get me started on 3 & 4)
Can you believe it has been 20 years since this 1990 classic came out? I love these movies. They are magical (thanks to John Williams and Chris Columbus). They are funny (thanks to those idiotic Wet Bandits). They are heartfelt (thanks to Catherine O'Hara and Macaulay Culkin). All around. Good stuff.

Well, those are the five-ish movies I never miss. What about you? What movies do you make sure you see every year at this time?


Anonymous said...

Well Richard, i like your blogs a bit better now and am considering returnign it to my lineup of daily viewed websites. i must say, I did not enjoy your cartooning (as talented as you were) as much as your acerbic wit and social commentary. Also, with the exception of Home Alone (which you have always rated far higher than you should have), i believe this is a fine Christmas movies list. I might add the pixar masterpiece "Prep and Landing" or possibly Love Actually to this list.

Anonymous said...

Ig- I like A Christmas Carol with George C. Scott,
the original Miracle on 34th Street, and It's A Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart... Merry Christmas,

Anonymous said...

For me, I look forward to The Holiday and Love Actually


Anonymous said...

You'd better watch them all this year as little Westly might make it difficult to concentrate on movies next year. I agree with Dick (the anonymous Dad).

Happy Christmas!

Love Mum