Saturday, April 16, 2005

The Blower's Daughter...

Yes that song is stuck in my head.

I don't know what it is about that horrible melody... But there it is.

So I have been spending the last few days LONGING for a days rest. I don't get a single day off thanks to school and church. But alas I have had a fun time doing both. It would just be nice to sleep in for a change. Oh well... Now that class just got out... I mean JUST got out, I am planning on going to a birthday party for Tailey (a little girl in my class). She asked me if I was coming and I told her yes. She looked over at Melissa and said, "See he's a good teacher."

That's pretty funny you've got to admit.

Anyway... My plan for the week is to go do something fun on Thursday because I am taking the day off. I need to get wild and do something crazy. Maybe I'll head out somewhere... I am going to (maybe...) take the week after next off ... Hopefully I can go see my Homegirls in the Sac... And while I'm on the topic...


Thought for the day:
Stop shoulding on me. (say it fast... its more fun that way)

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