Saturday, April 30, 2005

Has anyone ever watched...

Debby Travis? She has this wonderful paint that she paints a house with and she's a cross between Olivia Newton John and Martha Stewart. Odd? Yeah I'd say so.

Kristen Cunningham has really bad bronzer on right now.

Fleur looks great right now.

And today I forgot that I had a midterm... So I show up to class and say "Oh finger-knuckle I forgot to make a cheat sheet!" So I pull out a piece of paper and work it like a rolla-roid. I pull out all the information I can in the 5 mins I have and BOOM it's time for the test. I take it and WAH LAH! I did it! I had all the info I needed on my cheat sheet. WORK IT LIKE ALOHA!

Nevertheless I am having a good night because Lisa is home. Tanya, Lisa and I are watching TV and having In-and-Out. *YUCK!!!

Ok... Sullivina is coming into the world VERY soon so Li and I are headed up to the Jose this week. I'm off work so I may update my blog more because of the exciting adventures that may take place.

P.S. Movie lovers only spend 2 bucks on A lot Like Love... It's OK not the best, unless you like to see butt.

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