Monday, August 29, 2005

Easy like a Monday Morning...

Ok... So I admit it. I went to bed at an unusually early hour. 6:30 pm.
But hey I was tired, and trying to recover from my weekend of madness. It was really great... here's a run down.

7:15-2:00 School, school, school. It's going really well and I love my group of kids. I do however look forward to the weekends now.

2:00-4:00 Finish washing my chones and other goods for my trip.

4:00-7:30 Drive in never ending traffic to Marina Del Ray for a pop in at the Aunt and Uncles.

7:30-9:00 Hang out and freak out because we can't download ANYTHING on the computer there. SLOWEST THING EVER!

9:00-9:20 Check in to the hotel and feel the stomach ache from hunger.

9:20-10:00 Finally eat dinner in a Pizza Sports Bar with my dad.

10:00-onward Embrace my fate of being the youngest one in the room and sleep on the hard floor right next to the air conditioner. Brrrrrr....

7:30-7:50 Pretend to be sleeping on the floor while the family hustles and bustles around the room.

7:50-8:10 Attempt to shower in the small bathroom and contemplate shaving beard and head.

8:10-8:20 Get Team Omegas (Me and Susie's) vehicle from F-Units (The Family's) house.

8:20-9:15 Wait for Team Alpha (Chris, Joel, and Dave) to show their faces.

9:25 and 39 seconds -9:28 Avoid a call from Lisa where I tell her I am in Santa Maria. (Lie #1)

9:28-9:45 Team Omega jets off for the Malibu Shell Station where I deface public property (OK... I really just put a sticker or two on a phone booth, which I was told was later attempted to take off... No harm done)

9:45-10:00 Team Omega realizes we need more for this special occasion and we high tale it into Ralphs where we buy balloons, flowers, and ice.

10:00-10:05 Team Omega spots an accomplice--Armstrong. There is much rejoicing.

10:05-10:15 Team Omega spots Team Alpha and laughs as we run for the beach.

10:15:11:45 Team Omega plants the last clue and awaits on the beach with some Fly Girls and a gal heading to NY with some cool guys named Michael.

11:45-who knows when

LISA SHAW, my lovely sister, is engaged!!! That's right! Team Alpha, and Team Omega along with the F-Unit have successfully assisted the man of the hour, Kyle, into an awesome engagement party! Whoo hoo! It was amazingly fun.

After that, I headed out to Courtney McCutcheon's where I had a GREAT time meeting some EXTREMELY nice people. I had a great time playing cards, catch phrase, and getting to know everyone there. After that I ended up coughing, sneezing and scratching because... well... Cats and me don't mix. Also, feather sofas and me don't mix too well either. Despite my nose dripping like a leaky cauldron, I had a really good time and the next morning I woke up and headed to church with Court. Then we high tailed it out of there after greeting some people and watched.. The Brother's Grimm (sorry Tani). It was a good movie, a little on the odd side but what can you expect from The Brother's Grimm. I'd give it a C+ or a B- the jury is still out on that one.

Then I drove home and realized... Hey time to blog. So I did my HP Blog times 10 and neglected this one so alas here I am at 5 something in the morning alert and awake writing my life in blog format. Oh... Life is funny. I like it. Well time to get up and in the shower. Another day begins...

Alpha Male of Team Omega signing off.


Anissa Nishira said...

Thanks for calling me to tell me the news!! super exciting. glad you had fun.....catch ya on the flip side.

Anonymous said...

Thats hiiiillllarrrrriouuuuusss!

Jen said...

Yay for Lisa!