Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Life at the Burrow

I have a great job, a great group of friends and a great life.

Today made me laugh. School was a lot of fun, and yes. The rumors are true--I shaved my beard off. Yes, yes I look like I am a young whipper snapper again, and not like I am 42. So... Hooray and Boo to that. I think I may grow it back. You can comment on your personal perspective and opinions on this matter.

So I get to school and the kids were just wild and crazy today. I really like this group, however I miss my old group of kids. They all tried coming into my classroom and I was sad cause I had to turn them away. Oh well, such is life. At least they all really like me and respect me.

After work Tani and I went to Orcutt where we laughed at each other's silliness. I then decided I needed to go say hi to Austen so off I went... and then...

Time for the Burrow. We had a grand ol' time playing Harry Potter Scene It (kind a fun--but can drag on when you are waiting for clips of Goblet and they don't show up). Tonight was our last HP night before Brenna takes off for Davis! We'll miss you girl! But we'll always have HP! She made some good ol' M Rosemerta's Pumpkin Cookies and I was able to take some home. We had a couple of good ideas, one of which includes inviting JK to our meetings. Just to sit in as a listener. (I hope she'll come)

Now I sit here, getting ready to head to bed and I sigh, because my story has been on hold but tonight I got a good idea of something new to include... Ahhh, life is good.

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