Saturday, September 24, 2005

A Weekend of Peace

In the words of Destiny's Child, "It's the weekend and it's time for freakin."

Well, maybe not for me. But yes, the weekend is here. I had a great week, only 2 days of real classroom stuff, Disneyland with my dad, completing my action plan for my stipend (cha ching!), and getting my hair cut. Much to Susie's joy I shaved my face, but now I look like I'm 12 so I really think I need to grow the old beard back. Sure it is a little patchy, and I look like a nutty professor--Doc maybe (a little Dopey I admit), but still. I think I need it so people won' think I am a Freshman in high school. Come on, who wants to relive being a freshman in high school.

As for my weekend, last night I hung out with Parker and Tani Panti. We had a good time and there was much rejoicing. I fell asleep and then woke up like three of the seven dwarfs (Sleepy, Sneezy, and Weirdo) and I realized "Boggart! I need to get gas!" But can you believe it, the gas station was closed! So I had to fill up a mile out of my way! Blastisists! Oh well, nevertheless my car is filled up with gas and I was filled up with rage (add Grumpy to the dwarf list).

Today I am going to listen to New York themed music, buying pants to wear in New York, and watching movies that are set in New York. So yes, I'm in a New York State of Mind.

Which dwarf am I today? Happy, obviously.

Can you remember which Dwarf I didn't mention? Don't you go looking up their names online!


Anissa Nishira said...

you cut your hair AND shaved? crazyness! Glad you had super amounts of fun at Disneyland! I still haven't had a good expierence there!! Isn't that sad?? Oh well..I shall survive...see ya!

Anonymous said...


yeah I'm good.
Do I get a prize?

Jen said...

Or what about R.Kelly, "It's the freakin' weekend" ?