Friday, April 28, 2006

Torpedos Gophers Its Frosting

AKA TGIF people....

Ok I love spending my nights just writing stories, but here's the problem...

I always think of a better story to do after I write the first one. It is like the opposite of writers block... Writers Flood. I have a ton of ideas coming at me, but none that I have latched on to. I wrote about 6 pages tonight on this character I created upon a train (How very JKR of me) but still... I think I can tolerate this one for awhile. If not, back to Brandon's story I go... Cause... well having written about 40 pages of that one I should finish it before I run out of Writers Flood.

Now its time for some Narnia watching (hopefully next week I will say some Da Vinci Code listening shout out to Cory for the mad hook ups dawg--or maybe I'll buy it with my winnings from Survivor).



Anonymous said...

If you have writer's flood, try writing in an ark!

Anonymous said...

You have to commit to ONE story, ONE character, etc. Hmm...I didn't know you had commitment issues, dahling. Good thing I'm learning this before I move your way!