Friday, June 02, 2006

Da Vinci's Memoirs of a Code

Has anyone noticed that those words are used like, EVERYWHERE. I am a little sick of all of those words, well except for "of" and "a."

So yesterday was pretty good. I got to hang out with Jon, Morgan, and Tanya. Morgan was gracious enough to answer some of my questions about her... life? Yeah we'll call it her life. I was judged a little bit because of my selection of comic books and such, but hey what's a kid to do?

Today promises to be a day of pure silliness. I have a lot of things to do and I probably won't get them all done in time, but hey--I get to see the Cass in the next 24 hours! Hooray for cute little relatives.

Anyway, I really have nothing to say other than MMP, I'm waiting for your rebuttal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guess I'll take back the book I was gonna give you: "The Fauf Code Memoirs"