Friday, June 23, 2006

Oh, Snap Mr. Parker!

I am well on my way to living out my resolutions for life. I didn't feel the need to make New Years Resolutions, I just wait till I see the need for a change in my life and I act on it.

Today I worked toward four of the big committments in which I hope all four will pan out:

1. I previewed and basically secured my new place with Mr. Parker for the first weeks of August. Which will hopefully minister to my social life. We will be moving out of the nests and into a lovely two room apartment in Orcutt. Yeah, the scenery doesn't change much, but the challenges will be there to get us both in line. Ya know with Farah moving into town I'll have to get my act together.

2. I bought my bike helmet and a bike pump so I can actually ride that bike I borrowed from Jenn earlier this week. Which will hopefully minister to my body. Shout out to Jenn for the loan, I won't forget you when I'm famous. But, I totally went on a ride to the Houghs. A good start to my goal of biking to work about once a week. I think it could work. I just have to condition my body, heart, and asthma a little first.

3. I invested into my new Bible study which will hopefully minister to my soul.

4. I took some time to tutor a second grade friend. Which will hopefully minister to his synaptic growth and language acquisition. Anyway, we read some funny books about knights and silly stuff. I learned a lot about development and all, which is good stuff. I'll be meeting with him for about 9 weeks to help him out. It's an assignment for school, I'm not that amazing, but I think I would have done it either way. Gotta love the church.

Anyway, I love it. Life is good.

Rock on.


Jen said...

Let me just say that I am VERY excited about this roommate situation! We are going to have so much fun. Especially on our bike rides.

Anonymous said...

Listen: you have the bike...but i am reserving judgement till i see you riding it work and back.

Anonymous said...

You are the most pro-active person I know--a great quality I love in you. Just make sure you make these changes a life style and not just resolutions. I have faith in you that you will!