Tuesday, June 20, 2006

X-Men Overload

Ok, listen. I went out last night with the lovely Farah to the movies. And well... We saw CARS which despite my doubts and negative initial thoughts, it was REALLY good. I loved Mater and the Italian Mechanic. It was just good stuff.

But then I started watching X3 for the.... 2... no... 3... no... 4... no... Fifth time! It is a bit much. You know it is bad when you can recite every Mastique line, and do the motions when Magneto takes over the highway. Anyway...

Today I am left alone in Santa Maria as the beautiful and lovely Farah Drazin leaves for Redlands. Boo hoo. But I'm over it.

She comes back Saturday. Yippie.

The End, goodbye.


Anonymous said...

And you know you;ve seen it too many times when you can quote the previews!

Anonymous said...

"He brought our enemies to their knees and a country to its feet. He was fearless!"

--Jet Li's "Fearless"