Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Get's rid of dirt and grime and grease in just a minute...

So I have been thinking about all the cleaning out I will be doing in the next two weeks and as a notorious messy person I shudder. However, the teacher inside of me is somewhat, surprisingly, organized. So I leap for joy to start a new like Sandra D and begin this cleaning process. Here is a list of the following places I will be cleaning:

1. J-12. I have three years worth of stuff packed in there. Mission: Find all the good stuff and leave the junk.

2. Office. I have this dumb office I hide all the papers I don't want to do. Mission: leave as much as possible in the office.

3. Trunk of Car: I have been carrying around a bunch of stuff in my trunk and this is just not functional. Mission: find a cabinet at the school which can house this stuff.

4. Room 2. Clean out the dust and the stacks of paper which I inherited from the previous teacher. Mission: Make it my own where allergies and headaches won't enter.

5. Laundry Baskets. I have some (somewhere) that are filled to the brim with laundry. The rest floats on the floor. I am like the phantom of the opera on the gondola, riding to my bed every night. Sadly mine is not a foggy ground, but a swamp of laundry. Mission: Talk Mrs. Hough into letting us move into the condo so I can do laundry and not live in a swamp of clothes.

Well that's my life. Call me Mr. Clean.


Anonymous said...

apparently it's rub and scrub time before Easter-watch out for hidden eggs from last year- and best wishes on your new teaching job

Anonymous said...

apparently it's rub and scrub time before Easter-watch out for hidden eggs from last year- and best wishes on your new teaching job

Anonymous said...

Don't compare yourself to the Phantom of the Opera ::shudder:: I just might not marry you. But Mr. Clean I can handle