Friday, March 16, 2007

Houston, we have lift off...

I've been reading through the gospels this past week, I am ending Luke, so allow me to illustrate my life with a parable:

Once there was a boy who was in kindergarten who desired to be an astronaut. When he would go home he would pretend he was in a spaceship and think like an astronaut. As the young boy grew up he even went to school hoping to learn everything he could about being an astronaut. He grew up and tried to reach for the stars, but only touched the clouds. So the young man decided he loved the art of going through the skies so he would settle for working as a pilot for an important airline. There he was loved, named the golden boy, and taken care of like a star. But he always longed for more.

One day after working at an astronaut training camp the young man received a phone call from NASA. "Can you come work for us? We can offer you a position for the next three months, and we'll try to get you in for the next mission." The young man felt excited, but could he leave the airport? They depended on him there. Then he remembered his dream since he was 4 years old--- to be an astronaut. After careful thought, insights from those he loved, and prayer he called NASA and said a resounding, "Absolutely. I'm there."

And from this day to that, he never regretted following his dreams.

In case you can't figure this out--I have decided to leave Hancock and teach Elementary School as a fill-in for a teacher who took ill this year. I'm so happy. First grade here I come, baby!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just got back and read your news>>>>SUPER....
You'll be an awesome teacher. Congrarts

Anonymous said...

I guess you really are livin' the dream! XOXO

Anonymous said...

how awesome! Congradulations. I know you'll have a great time. I was actually thinking of going down to first grade...

-Jaz (i forgot my password I guess...I can't login now...)

Jen said...

Work it like Charo!