Monday, July 04, 2011

Kid's Book pt. 2

Here's another section of Brandon's Story. For some reason I like this part, but I'm not sure it can be built into a full story. I have more written...

The Monster Grows Nigh

It was a breezy summer evening. The sky was glowing in shades of cotton candy and nectarines. A small, shaggy haired boy sat on the front porch of his house playing with the hole on his right pant leg. He had just made the hole sliding into home plate, where unfortunately he was tagged out, losing the game for his team. The jeans were somewhat new and he knew his mom would be upset with him because she had just spent the last four dinner times on the importance of taking care of his things. But what’s a kid to do? He had to try to win for his team.

After picking at the hole and making it significantly larger, he watched as a few of the neighborhood boys ran by the vacant lot across the street. The boys were screaming as though a monster had just come out of the bushes and attacked them. But the only monster that Brandon knew about was the Monster of Tomorrow. For Tomorrow was the worst and most horrible of days.
Perhaps it had finally happened and Tomorrow had actually become a monster. That’s what the boys were running from! He could imagine Tomorrow coming across the lawn with horrible, sharp claws; its mouth dripping with saliva preparing to feast on the brains of innocent boys.

But just as Brandon convinced himself that Tomorrow had grown into a monster, much to his dismay, the real neighborhood monster ran by Brandon’s house; Patti Wilcox. She was about a foot taller than all of the boys in her class and was always trying to catch one as her boyfriend. Brandon’s mom tried to tell him that girls have their growth spurt about two years earlier than boys do. But Brandon knew better. Brandon knew Patti Wilcox was really an evil ogress.

Patti ran down the street with a shocking shade of red lipstick smeared across her lips crying, “Oh Tommy Fullerton! You’re the only man I’ve ever loved!”

Brandon dove behind the brick wall on his porch. Peeking out from behind the wall Brandon remembered when he first met Patti, pre-ogress days, back in Kindergarten. She was a normal kid back then, she liked to play on bikes, dig in the sand, and once she even attempted to snatch their teacher’s pet snake. But alas, now all she could think about was boys, being top girl in school, and boys, boys, boys.

Brandon watched as Patti tackled Tommy Fullerton (more proof that she was an ogress). Brandon could hear the sickening sounds of kisses being planted all over poor Tommy’s face. Poor Tommy attacked by an ogress! After much deliberation Brandon finally decided he would face the ogress and save Tommy from a fate worse than Tomorrow. But just as he was about to move from his hiding place he heard Patti cry, “Come back here Thomas Richard Fullerton, you forgot your hat!”

For a brief moment Brandon forgot about the real monster; not Patti Wilcox, but Tomorrow. For Tomorrow was the worst, and most horrible of days. Tomorrow wasn’t the day to go to the dentist nor was it the day where he had to get dressed up to go to Aunt Bolivia’s house. No, Tomorrow was the worst and most horrible of days: The first day of school. The first day of the forth grade.

It’s not as though Brandon was a poor student; he normally received good marks on his work, teachers tended to like him, and he never was sent to the principals office. But this year things were going to change for Brandon.

The choice Tomorrow brought was horrific! Mr. Thomas or Ms Bella. Mr. Thomas was the most strict and oldest teacher in the whole school. He also happened to look something like a troll. But when considering his other option a troll didn’t seem so bad. Ms Bella taught the other forth grade class and Brandon heard she smelled like rotten sauerkraut, had a nose that looked something like a smashed radish, and rumor had it was probably a witch. Either way Brandon knew that this was going to be one of the worst years ever.

Which teacher should he be stuck with? What will come of Tomorrow?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope he gets Eunice Frecklebottum. She'll straighten him out. We once had a neighborhood friend in elementary school who was 6 foot one inch in 5th grade. Her nickname was Stringbean,but she was fun and easy going. Dad