Thursday, September 07, 2006


Funniest quote of the day:

"Celine Dion has been put on earth by Satan."

We all know I love the Queen Diva, but still, this is pretty funny stuff.

Oh and Jazz, I guess you can comment on the story parts good and bad. Although any criticisms may hurt my ego so you can just MySpace them to me... Just kidding... Go for it. I can always delete anything Cruel(ah!)... But beware... you can't criticize something that you haven't read all the way through. I have an end goal ya know...


Anonymous said...

My funniest quote of the day: "Look, everybody, I'm balancing in this little swamp!"
--my student Colin

JazMarie said...

okay, I'll keep a log of my comments and give them to you when it's done, and I'll review them for accuracy, and then you can laugh or cry all you want ;O)