Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday Sabbath

Well, we took a Sabbath, but we also went on a Peter Pan date... Here's a synopsis of the date:

It was all themed around this map:

We started near-ish the Manor and then flew off to Big Ben for a Wee Lunch

Then we followed our shadows to a reading a Wendy Tale in the Bookshop.

After that it was time for a duel. Like Hook and Peter... We battled it out over a game of Scrabble.

We then chatted in the Park, and being sure not to let go of the pram and lose a child to Neverland...

And then it was time to make like a Pirate and dig up some treasure.

And then it was time to relax in Neverland.

There it is.


Michael said...

I loved our date! It was so sweet and magical. You are the best ever! xoxoxo

Your much-loved wife

Anonymous said...

A magical time once more.
Save that map. There could be more treasure out there.