Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thoughts of Randomness of Thursday

Today's thought: Dreams.

This morning I woke up early because I was having a bad dream where I was being attacked by the LZG gang (who for the sake of this dream only exist in Michigan). They stole my wallet while I was attending some sort of reunion at Righetti High School. The only reason I cared was because I thought, "Oh no! We need to go to Rome! All of our money is in there!" Why it was all in there is beyond me, but hey, that's dream Michael. So then, the thief called my cell phone to set up a meeting to return it at the Edward's Movie Theater.

Well, I told the secretary at RHS this. And the secretary at RHS told me I better not go because that gang killed people in front of the movie theaters because their gang color was pink like the theater. Did I mention it was an all girl gang? I tried to get Parker to help me but he was in training down south. So I was just angry and said, "What's this world coming to! Pink gangs!" I didn't know what to do, so I remember in the dream my solution was, "Oh, I know. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!" Eventually I woke myself up and found my wallet safe and sound. Lame. Now I am up before 7 AM all because I was worried I wouldn't be able to pay for Rome.

So there it is. My random thought. My dreams.


Fauf said...

I'm sorry you had such an awful dream! I think we better stay clear of movie theaters and high schools till after Rome.

Anonymous said...

... And watch out for The Cass and her wild bunch of pink loven girlie muggers: Posey, the Drazins, et. al..............

Anonymous said...

This is exactly what the world will come to if Parker isn't around to keep us safe...

Rosie said...

However did you mange to remember such a long dream? At least you only went back to Righetti. I'm often living in England -always in a mess and trying to get out of it. The trouble is I can't even get out of it when I wake up ( but usually I am very glad to wake up!:))

Rosie said...

Correction to last comment. The word was meant to be 'manage'
not 'mange'