Friday, November 04, 2005

For whom the phone rings...

The curse is still here. SPOILER WARNING. Survivor tonight was so telling. I can never invest money in the stock market. I always pick people of moral character and crap. They always lose. Oh Brandon, you were a good fella, but ya'll lost. However, I would indeed trust my fundage to Cory or Melissa (this sentence should indicate that they have moral character, but that they can identify the clear loser and avoid him/her/it, unlike myself). Specifically Cory, I believe he has some inside track. Maybe he is psychic... Sounds like LOST to me. So Cory, when you think of flipping houses, and I want to be involved... Make sure you start the process, then I can join in. If not I will pick a loser of a house and I'll be out more than just 10 bucks.

And as for the Apprentice tonight. Blathering-blatherskites. Sex at work huh? Well, let's just say I've worked basically at two companies and (praise the Lord) it seems that there is very little of that at either. I was glad that the babbling brooke left the fold. And what the--did he invent? I mean... come on. Inventor? I'm totally googling him tonight.


Anonymous said...

Michael you are so freakin' crazy...u need a girlfriend!! LOL nice creative though, keep being weird and crazy!

Priscilla :)

DREAMER said...

....he posts like one of my members in my forum........he's a spanish teacher in Ohio. I think thats why I enjoy reading this blog.