Wednesday, November 23, 2005

OK guys, here it is. The truth. I'm not going to lie to you right now... I am a little excited about the coming holiday... Only moments away.

So tonight I had a splendid time seeing the Cass (you gotta love the Cass) and the sisters, and yes even that bugger Sullivan. After spending time with the family I decided it was high time to throw some Thanksgiving love to three good friends. After that.... I learned how to play a little game that I shan't reveal online, for it could uncover part of someone's analogy who will remain nameless.

I had a very good time doing so and now I sit here with y creative juices just flowing... So I say to you all... goodnight, and I will blog yet again once the lovely Farah strolls into town.

Happy Expand Your Stomach Day Before The Big One

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