Monday, January 02, 2006

Blast, and Double Blast.

New Years came and went, and I totally forgot (cough cough) to make any New Years Resolutions...

So I decided to go ahead and give it a shot and post some New Years Lies--I mean Resolutions that I will totally keep this year:

1. I will not say the phrase "I'm not going to lie to you" more than 10 times a day (trust me this will be difficult).
2. I will only spend 2 hours overtime at school each week, but no more.
3. I will spend at least 2 hours of writing time in the writing room each week, and perhaps more.
4. I will only eat Cheez-Its once a month (oh no I love Cheez-Its)
5. I will stick with my question of the month and ask it of nearly everyone I interact with (This month's question is: If you had to compete in a reality tv show which show would it be?)
6. I will only dream about Farah seven times a day--Wait... I think that I should make it ten times.
7. I will only sing in the showers on weekends, or special holidays, or days in which I see fitting for adding melodious sounds to the porcelain chamber room.
8. I will read the second page of the Time Travelers Wife.
9. I will put a bean on my plate during one meal sometime during the duration of the year.
10. I will learn how to say "My name is Michael and I am afraid of beans." in 6 different languages.
11. I will befriend a Pirate named The Beck, Squashbrow, or Beardback
12. I will share an I Love Lucy quote on my blog bimonthly. Oh that crazy red head.

Look... I'm not going to lie to you (doh I used one already today, that means 9 left)... There was a "hurricane" outside (according to some sources), Kaleb is asleep on the floor, I'm trying to find a writing desk online, Tanya moves in 7 days, Parker didn't go to church yesterday, and Farah goes back to school tomorrow. I'm just saying... These are the times we live in.

Oh snap.

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