Thursday, January 26, 2006

...on the bathroom wall.

Seriously. I was listening to some American Idol auditions today, and let me just say this. It was so funny! This one guy got to audition twice and he sang this horrible song where he looked like a possessed six year old child... I know most of you don't know what this looks like, but I do. Anyway it was all about "Constance." or something like that. It was so funny, I snorted a few times. The best part is when the camera guy/girl pans across the judges table to show their reactions to the singer. Kudos to the camera guy/girl for capturing those classic AI moments.

So this week has been a ROLLERCOASTER of activities. Let me sum it up like this. We had a surprise visit from the state to check out our documents and I was the only person around to show the man the stuff. Crazy times. But seriously guys, we did well...

And now comes the point where I tell you the truth and no lies: I am going to have a great weekend, cause well.... I deserve it. Is that totally selfish and insane of me to say? I'm gonna vote--No it's not. I can party harty and deal with it, cause I have been through the ringer this week.

So bottoms up, or something (shudder that reminds me of a gross movie--never mind, I'll tell you when you're older...)

Shaw Out.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Bottoms up?