Thursday, January 05, 2006


Ahh! Everybody run for your lives! Ok... Wait. don't do that. Because I'm talking about the Writing Room. My first efforts are nearly exhausted so I will be finishing up and posting pictures of the room shortly.

I've painted, cleaned, organized, designed, and collected furniture from around the house to fill the room with inspiration. Sure, it falls just a little short of what I'd really like to have, but the basic structure is there. Mainly it is near to what I want because of a few loved ones who have graciously taken time out of their lives to provide me with some AMAZING artifacts to fill the shelves and surfaces with inspiration. And actually, now that I have the basic structure, quite frankly I'd rather be writing my story than working on the room.

Today I will be putting the painting supplies away, cleaning the garage (ugh--I am definitely the messiest person who ever roamed the Countrywood area), and then I'll be considering buying curtains OR cleaning off the last 5 shelves. And then---

"Armageddon is upon us. The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand! Your souls are in danger!"
"Our lives are in danger, you Beatnik!"

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