Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Fauf.

Here are the Top 10 Reasons Marrying The Fauf Bettered My Life, or The Top 10 Reasons Being Married to the Fauf has Spoiled Me. These are strictly superficial reasons, protecting my readers from gagging at the ridiculous goo-goo-ga-ga love I hold for the Fauf, and glamorizing the ridiculous ways she enhances my life in the simple and mundane.

10. My Laundry.
I don't even think about it anymore. 2 years ago at this time I was on my own with this mess. Now, I put it in a hamper (yes, I put it in the hamper now) and it magically is cleaned by the Fauf. Ah.

9. Lunch.
My blue lunch box goes on the counter at 4:00 every weekday, and when I wake up in the morning it is in the refrigerator with a perfect Ig-sized lunch ready to go. The mighty lunch-maker Fauf is great.

8. Gab.
She listens to me complain about everything and rarely (Note, she does get exhausted from it.) tells me to be quiet about my work, church, or anything in between. The listening Fauf is great. (And yes, the picture is Beyonce singing "Listen" from Dreamgirls.)

7. Chick Flicks.
I feel better renting, watching, and going to Chick Flicks now that I have the Fauf in my life. Before it was just "Oh, I guess I'll see it." While secretly counting the days until it came out. Now I can say, "Oh, we both thought it would be good to go see." Movie viewing Fauf is great.

6. Friday Nights.
Ug. I use to love and hate Friday nights. I mean, they are great if you have a plan or are willing to go out and make things happen, but when you have a Fauf in your life things just happen. No need to plan, 'cause the Fauf is there! Friday Fauf is a good Fauf to have around.

5. Bedtime.
I never use to like a bedtime, but now I really do. It makes me a better Ig. I am lessy moody, more prepared for the day, and let's face it, that's good for everyone. The Fauf likes her bedtime, and the Ig joins in because, let's face it, going to bed and cuddling is a good option for the both of us. Scheduled Fauf is a keeper.

4. Cupboards are Stocked.
Yup, whenever I am feeling hungry or in need of some nourishment I go to the kitchen cupboard and the Fauf has already stocked it with good food. Some healthier than I would have bought, but that's good for an Ig. The Fauf always makes sure the Ig has a good meal, and even the occasional dessert. What a homemaker that Fauf is!

3. Saying "my wife".
It just sounds great talking to other people and referencing "My wife, who works as..." or "Just yesterday my wife and I..." or even "Did I tell you my wife..." Yup. Bringing her up in conversations with others may get old for the listeners out there, but I love it. The Spoken About Fauf is great.

2. Creativity.
It is really great to have someone who I can bounce my creativity off of. No, not like a ball to a wall, but like iron sharpening iron. She is great because where I have an unfinished idea, she finishes it, and visa-versa. We both encourage each other to be creative risk takers, and I'm not going to lie to you, we are going to do great things. Creative Fauf is really fun to have around.

1. Summers.
What a breath of fresh air. Yes, Summer Fauf is different than School-Year Fauf, but I like her just that way. During the summer it is great to have a friend to roam around the Central Coast with. No plans, just ideas to try out. It is way fun knowing we both have the same time off and can be as hermit-y or adventurous as we please. Summer Fauf works it!

So there it is, an Ode to the Fauf and all her glory. Hooray for the Doodle and all her Loopiness. Sorry no pictures, Blogger wouldn't load 'em.


Anonymous said...

Wow! There's a lot of love in this blog. You two are great- iron on iron
and honey and molasses.

Anonymous said...

No Top 10 of Parker?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for my ode...it does make me feel loved and appreciated. I want to reciprocate it, so check out my blog (not written in guilt, but in pleasure)

Blogging Fauf